Stellaris is a scifi grand strategy game set 200 years into the future. I want to invade afghanistan so i can invade russia on three fronts because screw history, this time itll work but i cant seem to figure out how to do it without getting a penalty for aggression. We can see that brazil has 0 national foci used out of a potential maximum. The conflict lasted around 40 minutes, and is the shortest war in history. It based on a event not exactly that is less likely to happen the shorter the time for the justification is, and that event determines how much infamy you get anything from full infamy to 0. The trigger to the war was the discovering of diamonds and gold in the boer states. If you want to become a contributor please register though you can also edit anonymously, and check out. This pane also shows your current number of national foci. This crusader kings ii wiki is a repository of crusader kings ii related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders. If you want to become a contributor please register though you can also edit. Wolne miasto gdansk was a semiautonomous citystate that existed between 19, consisting of the baltic sea port of danzig now gdansk, poland and nearly 200 towns and villages in the surrounding areas.